This is BADASS!!! This is definitely on the bast Inktober piece I have seen so far. Excellent work done here mate.
This is BADASS!!! This is definitely on the bast Inktober piece I have seen so far. Excellent work done here mate.
Thank you! Cheers
Yooo dope looking piece here mate, Venom and Ghostrider are my Fav marvel character so I got to say you nailed how BADASS this dude looks. Excellent work here mate.
on a side note I keep on hearing that its bad or its a good movie, would ya recommend it?
Hello! You can watch this short timelapse :) -
Tarkus, Tarkus, Tarkus! Excellent piece here mate! One of the most badass dark souls character, its a shame how he died in the game... damn those painting guards
My favorite summon in the first game for sure. Love the story and concept of this dude.
yo cool looking design here mate, I'm loving the clothing choice ya went with.
Also I'm just loving the pumpkin on the left, such a happy face even though he can see a cut-in-half brother on her head...
Hahahaha, I really did not think about it, life is sad hahaha thank you!
Okay I'm loving this design and the style, excellent job done here mate.
On a side note is this series good, I have heard about it but never really check it out, would ya recommend it?
I watched only couple of first episodes and I loved it! Might get back to it once I have time :)
Another cool design. quick question was there a Bow trick weapon? played the game 2 times but Don't have the DLC so kinda dont know all the content of the Old Hunters stuff.
Either way still a cool Design.
There is indeed a bow. You find it in the DLC.
Okay nice piece, got to say though with the style he kinda looks like a character from scooby doo if ya know what i mean.
Yo dope looking character here mate, did you get some inspiration form Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs (couldn't remember the Japanese tittle)?
Edit- Yeah i like, its one of those comedy/lewd type anime's so if ya enjoy that stuff I would recommend it
Well, I thought in a typical japanese ghost. I didn't see Yuuna, is it a good anime ?
Very nice looking scene here mate, very classic looking background for a comic.
Excellent design.
Thanks :D
Okay cool design... wait why do i have a feeling there going to be someone out there making a "ette'fied smash bros now...
I feel a disturbance in the force
Maybe I will ;D Mods here I come
Joined on 8/20/17