Cool looking sketch mate, It very well done.
Cool looking sketch mate, It very well done.
Thanks! The helmet thing took fucking forever to draw.
Okay this is very cool looking, I'm loving the shading and the eyes on this piece mate. I have to ask though what was the inspiration on the shirt/jacket, it reminds me of something from a game I saw but I cant quite place it.
either way cool design.
Hmmm. Nothing in particular. iirc i was simply going for something elegant but didn't quite get it.
Okay got to admit this is a very cool looking OC mate, Very cool looking werewolf design. Nicely done here mate.
Thank yah!
Okay this is a cool looking Boostette. really love the color on it. Got to ask what tool did you use on this? I can see a texture in the color and kinda looks like Color pencil but I'm not so sure.
I actually use Procreate and Medibang Pro on 2018 9”iPad.
damn this cool looking, the effect is amazing and im loving the design. excellent work done here mate.
thanks dude!
Damn this is Cool looking. I Wish I had the ability to make something this cool with paint, only art talent i have is traditional so I suck with with a brush and a stylist for digital stuff. The eyes are amazing and im just loving how you did the fur. Very excellent job. So envious T_T
Thanks! glad you like it. honestly its just a lot of practice and being too stubborn to give up.
Nice 2B piece mate, the Design is Very Well done. Excellent work.
Thank you so much~
damn this bad ass looking mate. love the whole mood of it. Kinda reminds me of one of the things you would encounter in silent Hill.
Thank you!
Yeah it definetly touches the gorey/meaty aesthetic of Silent Hill
Cool piece here mate, Kinda reminds of something you would see in Fran bow if you know what i mean. Either way, cool design.
I can see that, thank you!
As I said before, cool fanart mate. I'm guessing there some of the bosses?
Thanks again, and yes, one of them is a boss, the one with the glasses sells you maps, the one with the cape is an npc, the hammer one is the game's 1st boss, and one of my personal favorites.
Joined on 8/20/17