I would buy it if it was a sticker. Cute looking design here mate, Nice little Isabelle piece. Nicely done here mate
I would buy it if it was a sticker. Cute looking design here mate, Nice little Isabelle piece. Nicely done here mate
thank you so much!! they would most likely be only like 3 or 2 bucks hahaha i dont wanna get all pricey o n them
Cute looking Miles piece here mate, excellent little sketch. Nicely done here mate
thank you so much for the nice comments love
Cool looking Nemesis piece here mate, Great sketch. Nicely done here mate, haven't played the game myself yet but it looks amazing.
Thanks man :)
Amazing looking Raven fan piece here mate, looks great. Down right on of my fav TV shows when I was a kid, shame what they done with TeenTitans GO and haven't seen the newest TV show so hoping it good.
Oh sorry got side track, Nicely done here mate
Thank you!
Yo this is a sick looking painting here mate, excellent looking style. Nicely done here mate.
Appreciate it m8 !
Cool looking piece here mate, excellent sketch here. Never heard of this show your talking about but it looks interesting from this. have to look it up later
Well anyway nicely done here mate
Ay thank you man! Ruby Gloom was a cartoon that aired in the mid to late 2000's, it had a really cool gothic kind of style to it which was a huge contrast to a lot of the other shows I saw on the same station. If you ever have the chance to, check it out on toonova or any other similar site.
Pretty cool looking OC sketches here mate, like that red flair with that hairstyle. Nicely done here mate
Ohh Thanks. Im actually experimenting with different artstyle because I wanna try my hand in Webcomics. This one is inspired with The World Ends With You and Persona 5 ^^
Cool looking piece here mate, Excellent shading and the shine as well. Nicely done here mate. Havent played any of X or Y as well alola, so don't recognize this one, New legendary?
Well any way nice piece here mate.
Thanks! And yea, she was introduced in Gen 7 (Sun and Moon), along with three other "guardian deities" of the island region.
Okay got to admit, Cute looking design here mate. The shading looks great and I'm loving the Color Palette. Nicely done here mate
thank you so much c: kept the design really simple < w > the edgy black red white combo ♥
Cute looking Piece here mate, Nice little age up piece of fang. nicely done here mate.
On a side; god had totally for gotten that show, been awhile.
Thanks, this was one of the few disney shows I've watched and it just recently ran across my mind
Joined on 8/20/17