Got to say, cute looking piece here mate, looks great. Nicely done
Got to say, cute looking piece here mate, looks great. Nicely done
Thank you very much for your comment <3
Loving this piece of Priscilla here mate, very cute design. Nicely done here mate.
On a side note; down right one of my fav* characters; especially when I believe the theory of her being the daughter of Gwyn's first born Son and some dragon. Would be the better answer to why Gwyn First Born repealed and was erased through history.
Oh sorry for the long ass comment, nicely done here mate
thank you, that's very nice of you to say ^^
Beautiful looking piece here mate, looks great. Nice shading and the light beams coming through the water. Nicely done here mate
Thank ya!! It was one of my first attempts at a full BG..though quite empty! haha
Yo sick looking piece here mate, really cool character design. Nice line work and cool armor as well. nicely done here mate
hey man, thanks for the comment, always appreciate em and i like hearing what it is people enjoy about the content and designs
Cool looking Portrait design here mate, looks great. Nice shading. Nicely done here mate
thank you so much!!!
Cool looking painting piece here mate, looks great. Nicely done here mate
Thank you so much!
Pretty cool looking character here mate, looks badass. Kinda gives me some Guitar Hero 3 Devil vibes. Well anyway nicely done here mate
I played *a lot* of Guitar Hero 3 as a kid so that doesn't surprise me. Thanks!
Cute looking OC piece here mate, she looks amazing. Excellent shading and loving the pose. Nicely done here mate
Thank you very much!
Yo cool looking OC design here mate. Cool looking style on her and I'm loving the Square Eye. Nicely done here mate
thanks! I'll probably end up designing some more cyberpunk characters this year
Yo cool looking piece here mate, Really excellent design. When I first heard the Theory on Clefairy and Gengar I was always fascinated by the oddities in games. Well any, sorry for being side track there, Nicely done here mate.
Thank you! The relationship between certain pokemon is always really cool. I wish there was more of it. Like Seviper and Zangoose, or Shelder and Slowbro. Really fun stuff
Joined on 8/20/17