Damn, what a fun as hell collaboration project. Respect to all the animators and the project director. Very enjoyable music video
Damn, what a fun as hell collaboration project. Respect to all the animators and the project director. Very enjoyable music video
God... this song was one of the main reason that brought me to this site so long ago (well when I didn’t have and account that is).
Excellent little collab project here mate, and respect to all the Artist and Animators that made all those beautiful and funny as hell clips. Nicely done here
Well, truly 100% accurate to my time with the god of war game...
On a serious note funny as hell animation done here mate, nicely done
God damn that brought back some memories! Love that series on 4kids, didn’t really played much Kirby game’s besides my one GBA game, so that show plug up the Kirby void for me. Excellent collab project done here mate, mad respect for all the excellent artist/animator. One hellva fun time
Well damn! My boy Deimos just became my main fighter in Mortal Kombat X, Tremor!
Absolutely loving this side story here with Deimos and unknown third party dude. Excellent work done here Krinkels and crew!
Ha, dude must have been playing to much What If Adventure Time was a Anime Game, computer couldn’t contain the princess!
On a serious note nice little animation here mate, nicely done. Poor mouse... got Sucker punch
Nice little clip here mate, that was funny as hell. Nicely done here mate.
On a side note, for some odd reason, the frog a top of the slot machine gives me some serious Sir Raleigh from Sly Cooper 0_0
Damn that was a cool trip, Excellent trailer here mate. Looks better then some of stuff Sega has actually done with sonic. Have to to keep an eye out for the main thing, looks great...
Unlike a certain thing that's going on in Hollywood... *shivers*
Pretty cool looking animation here mate, would be one hell of a mystery for the gang to solve... and survive.
I got one quick question for ya, you fan of Seth Greens Robot Chicken? Getting some serious Robot Chicken Vibes from this. If not sorry for assuming.
Thanks! Yes, this should really be a full Scooby Doo episode. We have seen season 1 of Robot Chicken and some funny clips on youtube and it's pretty good. But we are more fans of Supermansion, especially season 1.
Joined on 8/20/17