Pretty cool looking piece here mate, have to admit though, Rabbits? why did Bowser hire a bunch of rabbits as wedding planers... ah sorry got side track, Nice piece here mate, looks great
Pretty cool looking piece here mate, have to admit though, Rabbits? why did Bowser hire a bunch of rabbits as wedding planers... ah sorry got side track, Nice piece here mate, looks great
Thanks, mate!
Yoooo this is sick. the amount detail in here insane and that wolf/beast design so badass looking. Nicely done here mate
Yeah, I am a detailfreak for good and for bad. In this case I think it turned out pretty good! Thanks for the positive review :)
Woulda been funny to see here riding a giant package of french fries lol
Okay on a serious note: cute looking piece of the Potato elf here mate, looks great. Just gotten into the series and have a blast reading. Well either way sorry for being side track, Great piece here mate.
I was battling with myself on whether to do fries or not! But I can't resist a cliche phallic object.
You cool little drawing of this badass mate, down right one of the sickest animes/manga to come out. Nice fan drawing of it mate. Nicely done
Thank you my good fella! Your feedback is much appreciated!
Okay, cool little character piece here mate, looks great. Not to sure if she from something or a OC, well either way still looks great. Nicely done here mate
Thanks, it's an OC.
Pretty cool looking character design here mate, really awesome design. excellent shading and God she must be strong, One helluva iron ball around her ankle 0_0.
Well any way, nicely done here mate!
Hey man! So glad you like it dude! Yes, in fact she has super human strengh! haha
Yo cool looking piece here mate, Little fist bump between Young Sora and older Sora (tbh don't quite know the age cap between games since I only own first game)
Well either way, nicely done here mate.
Thanks ^^
Have to admit, I was a guy who didn't want to get into WoW, but Have to admit game has some cool looking characters and weps.
Nice looking piece here mate, dude looks great. Nicely done (sorry for the extra bit up above this)
Hah, thanks! I am playing WoW for 10 years already, and I love this game with all my heart.
Hope you will like it too! It has wonderful lore till Wrath of the Lich king :3
Beautiful looking piece here mate, great shading. Not the biggest Fire Emblem dude to not playing it a lot besides a mobile game, but Have to admit love some of the character design in the series.
Ah sorry for getting side track, Great looking piece here mate, Nicely done
thank you^^
And yep, FE does indeed have some pretty neat designs~
Female and male characters alike ^w^
Pretty cool looking piece here mate. Mothra as a Magical girl huh, Interesting, I like it. Nicely done here mate
Joined on 8/20/17