Yo this is cool looking design here mate, looks great. Cool look and nice pose, nicely done here mate.
On a side note: God DnD, so want to delve into it, looks fun.
Yo this is cool looking design here mate, looks great. Cool look and nice pose, nicely done here mate.
On a side note: God DnD, so want to delve into it, looks fun.
Thank you! I often have trouble finding poses that show off my character designs but I'm proud of it here.
Yeah you should, DnD is really fun!
Cool looking action pose here mate, looks great. Nicely done here mate
Gosh thank you so much!!!
Yo sick looking design here mate, love DMC. Nicely done here mate, hope your mate enjoys some demon slaughtering
Edit* ah sorry if this pops up again, there was a typo that was bugging me and had to fix, wrote the comment on my phone and damn fat fingers made me mess up lol
Thank you! She enjoys it so far, as of right now she almost finished 1 and we're starting 3 on Saturday!
You sick looking Character design here mate, looks great. Kinda gives me some locust and spider feeling, am I close?
Well either way, nicely done here mate
Thanks dude! and yea I just combined a lot of elements of insects for this character kinda grabbed a bit of everything lol.
Yo sick looking piece here mate loving the design. Your mate has pretty cool looking character, hope he sees it and enjoy it.
haha thanks a lot~ he'll see it soon c:
Cool looking design here mate, looks great. Nice shading and loving the background. Never heard of the base for this, got to look it up later
Edit* ah sorry mate didn’t word that right, just ment base as we’re its from, never heard of the game series before lol. My bad
I don’t use a base, it’s my art and Agatha doesn’t belong to me. She’s from Dark Deception 2. 😂
Btw, thanks! 🧡
Yo, cool and cute character design here mate. Love the style, kinda gives me some foster vibes a bit. Well anyway nicely done here mate
Thanks! Appreciate it!
Cool looking designs here mate, they look great mate! Nicely done here mate
Edit* sorry if this pops up again but have to say, on inspection I have over step the tf2 sniper level of saying mate...
(tf2 sniper voice) Thanks mate!
Cute looking fan art piece here mate, looks great. Nicely done here mate
Thank you :)
Yo this is a sick looking piece here mate, loving the color palette and the detail work. nicely done here mate
Thank you so much for the support!!
Joined on 8/20/17